Freshmen Leadership Network
Freshman Leadership Network (FLN)
Freshman Leadership Network is a course designed for all 9th graders at DBAHS. The semester-long course, which meets each Day A during Block 4, provides .5 credits towards a student graduation requirements. The course aims to bridge the academic and social gap between middle school and high school. 9th grade students will benefit from the program by completing the following course activities:
Program Activities
Introduction to Naviance, the site home of Chapter 339, provides that all Pennsylvania high school students work towards career readiness goals including building a resume, logging hours of community service, job shadowing, internships, and future employment interests.
Introduction to Everfi, the site home to financial literacy lessons, is specifically designed to provide real-world life skills on the topic of smart financing.
Speakers: Students will hear from the PA State Police, Director of Youth Development & Belonging Mr. Flowers, Career Innovation Coordinator Mrs. Rapchinski, High School Librarian Mrs. Keebler, and more!
Field Trips: All 9th grade students will complete a college and career trip focussing on their goals for post graduation. The trips include both Berks County area businesses and high education.