Pursuant to School District Policy, the Board of School Directors of the Daniel Boone Area School District expressly prohibits all forms of bullying and unlawful discrimintation of students and staff, including harassment, based on race, color, national origin, sec, and disability.

 Based on the above policy, students and staff are responsible for respecting the rights of others and for ensuring and maintaining an atmosphere free from all forms of bullying, harassment, and discrimination.  It is imperative that students who have been bullied or harassed report the incident immediately to their counselor or administration. Situations of this nature are difficult to address if not reported to an adult in the building.  Do not assume that somebody knows.  Always report the incident.

  • Signs a Child is Being Bullied (be aware not all children being bullied exhibit warning signs.

    • Unexplainable injuries

    • Frequents headaches or stomach aches

    • Lost or destroyed personal items (clothing, jewelry, electronic, etc)

    • Changes in eating habits, skipping meals, coming home from school hungry

    • Difficulty sleeping

    • Declining grades, loss of interest in schoolwork, not wanting to go to school

    • Sudden loss of friends or avoidance of social situations

    • Feelings of helplessness or decreased self esteem

    • Self-destructive behaviors such as running away from home, harming themselves, or talking about suicide

  • Signs a Child is Bullying Others

    • Get into physical or verbal fights

    • Have friends who bully others

    • Are increasingly aggressive

    • Get sent to the principal’s office often

    • Have unexplained extra money or new belongings

    • Blame others for their problems

    • Don’t accept responsibility for their actions

    • Are competitive and worry about their reputation or popularity

  • What Students Can Do

    • Treat everyone with respect-stop and think before you say something that could hurt someone, keep in mind that everyone is different, not better or worse, just different.

    • Know what to do if you are being bullied-tell the bully to stop in a calm, clear voice, crack a joke and make light of the situation, walk away, tell an adult at school and at home.

    • Protect yourself from cyberbullying-see above under technology section

    • Stand up for others-be kind to the student being bullied, sit with them at lunch or bus, talk to them while in school, tell an adult at school and at home what you have witnessed.

    • Get involved-share your ideas on how to stop bullying, brainstorm how to stop in the areas where it happens most, be a role model.

For more information on bullying you can check out the below resources



