This team is made up of teachers, counselors, school nurse, administrators, and a liaison from the Caron Foundation.
The purpose of this team is to identify students that may have issues with mental health and/or drugs and alcohol.
Students can be referred to SAP by a peer, teacher/staff member, or parent. Once students are identified, with parent permission, the Caron Foundation liaison will conduct an assessment on the student and make recommendations to parents. The assessment is a one-time meeting with the student during the school day, and is FREE!
Aside from individual assessments, there are in-school groups available to help students gain coping and self-improvement skills on topics such as: Anger Management, Grief and Loss, Anxiety, Teen Issues, Trauma, and more. Contact your child’s school counselor for more information. If you wish for your child to participate in a group, you may fill out the permission form by clicking on the form at the bottom of this page and returning it to your child’s school counselor.
Strategies for Success with your teen
Create an environment that fosters open communication
Build a supportive relationship with your child
Be a good role model, your child will notice the choices you make
Know your child's friends, talk to other parents about the rules in their homes
Monitor, supervise, and set boundaries, enforce consequences when rules are broken
Learn the current trends and signs and symptoms related to alcohol and other drug use
Conversation Starters
What is your best character trait? What is the one of which you could most improve?
What do you find stressful? How do you relax?
How do you feel when you find out your friends are using drugs or alcohol?
What would you say if a group tried to pressure you and your friends to use drugs or alcohol?
Why do you think kids take risks?
What is your favorite subject in school, least favorite? And why?
What are 3 things you would like to accomplish before graduating from high school?
For more information about drug and alcohol programs or resources contact Caron's Student Assistance Program at 800-678-2332 ext. 6117 or visit
Websites for prevention in addition to Caron
Hotlines if you need someone to talk to
National Suicide Hotline – 1-800-272-TALK(8255)
SAM Crisis Text: Text ruOK to 484-816-ruok(7865)
Safe 2 Say: 1-844-723-2729, get the APP, or online
If you ever feel your child is in immediate danger from self harm, take them to the closest emergency room