How It Works

The Blazer Virtual Academy offers numerous online courses to satisfy a variety of student needs. Students may choose to take all of their courses online or may choose to take a blending of online courses and traditional brick-and-mortar courses in our schools.
BVA will utilize curriculum aligned to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards, provided by Accelerate Education (K-5) and Edgenuity (6-12). This curriculum is developed by Pennsylvania certified and highly qualified teachers to meet our district’s expectations. The program is easy to navigate and is student-centered.
The courses include web-based curriculum with materials, highly qualified teachers, and an accessible, proprietary technology platform specifically designed for students at different grade levels.
BVA offers a wide variety of online courses including unique electives. Our online students have the flexibility to work on their courses full-time at home or choose part-time online and in school. Students in grades 9 through 12 have the opportunity to work on their online courses in our Virtual Learning Lab in the high school. Please consult the BVA Coordinator ( for the best options for your student. Blazer Virtual Academy students also have the opportunity to participate in school activities, events, and extracurriculars. We encourage students to become involved in our local assemblies, field trips, after-school clubs, dances, and athletics.
By participating in our online program, students will be provided local technology support, on-demand teacher support, asynchronous courses, and the ability to take state-mandated testing (PSSAs and Keystones) in our schools.
Everything is virtual:
It works like a traditional school except curriculum is online
Log-in and access your courses from home, on-site with a teacher, the public library, or anywhere you have internet connectivity
Live state-certified instructors are available for on-demand student support
Local support and tutoring is available in person during the regular school day
Materials & equipment are provided upon request