What is the Student Assistance Program (SAP)?
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a multidisciplinary school-based team that is here to help you access school and community resources to further support your child. Every building, from the elementary schools to the high school at Daniel Boone has a SAP team whose main purpose is to remove barriers to education. The SAP Team is made up of school and community agency staff. Specifically, the SAP team is comprised of:
School counselors
School nurse
School Psychologist
School Social Worker
SAP Liaison from Caron Treatment Centers
If your child is struggling inside or outside of school, the SAP team can help you. There may be times when you just don’t know how to help your child. That’s okay; the SAP team can assist you.
Confidentiality is highly important to this program and its facilitators. The SAP team and the school will respect and protect you and your child’s privacy at all times.
How does my child become involved in SAP?
Students come to the SAP process in various ways. Anyone can refer a student to SAP. The student can also go directly to the SAP team and ask for help. However, the SAP team will not become involved unless we receive parent/guardian permission.
Daniel Boone’s SAP team will help you find services and assistance within the school, or if needed, in the community. We do not diagnose or treat your child. Instead, we will provide you with helpful information; you make the choices. Our goal is to help your child succeed in school and remove any barriers they are experiencing.
Your child may also become involved in SAP by participating in an in-school support group. Again, parent/guardian permission is needed for any student to participate in the support groups.
If you feel your child needs help or if you have any questions about the SAP process, please contact your child’s school counselor or fill out a SAP referral using the below links.