Title I Information
Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines/Policy
This plan has been developed with the input of parents, teachers, and administrators. It will be reviewed annually.
Daniel Boone Area School District Board Policy 918 - Title I Parent and Family Engagement
Annual Meeting
The Daniel Boone Area School District (DBASD) will ensure that each Title I school holds an annual Parent and Family Engagement Meeting at a convenient time, with additional flexible meeting opportunities provided as needed. This meeting will:
Explain the school’s participation in the Title I program
Review the school-parent compact
Outline parents’ rights to be involved in their child’s education
Provide information about Title I services, the school-wide plan (if applicable), and student achievement expectations
Gather parent input through verbal feedback and written surveys to guide Title I programming and funding decisions
Each Title I building will hold at least one additional meeting to provide further engagement opportunities.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences will be held at least twice a year in all Title I schools.
These conferences will provide parents with:
Information on their child’s progress
Details on Title I interventions
Guidance on how to support learning at home
Communication with Families
To ensure effective communication, the district will use:
Blackboard Connect, district and school websites, social media, and letters
Translation services for all communications, including printed materials and meetings, in languages that families can understand
Accessible formats for parents with disabilities
Removing Barriers to Participation
To increase participation in Title I programs, the district will:
Provide childcare services at parent engagement meetings by partnering with high school student clubs or hiring aides as needed
Offer afternoon and evening meetings to accommodate working families
Conduct parent surveys at meetings to gather feedback on accessibility and preferred engagement methods
Provide informal discussions with stakeholders to identify barriers and improve program accessibility
Professional Development for Staff
Title I staff will receive training on effective parental engagement strategies
The district will fund professional development to improve teacher-parent communication and collaboration
School administrators will coach Title I instructors to enhance parent involvement efforts
Parent and Family Engagement Opportunities
Parents will receive:
Newsletters with Title I updates and instructi
onal resources
Phone calls and emails regarding student progress
Periodic updates on their child's academic performance
Parents will be encouraged to:
Participate in decisions about their child's education
Provide input in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the school-wide plan (if applicable)
Attend workshops on supporting student learning at home
School-Parent Compact
Each Title I school will develop a School-Parent Compact, jointly with parents, outlining:
The school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment
The parent’s role in supporting student learning, including:
Monitoring homework completion
ending parent-teacher conferences
Encouraging regular school att
Strategies to ensure ongoing two-way communicati
on, including:
Parent-teacher conferences
Progress reports and access to student grades
es for parents to volunteer and observe classrooms
Providing Parent Resources
The district will provide funding to each Title I school to offer:
Parenting resources related to child development, academic support, and family engagement
Workshops and training sessions on effective parenting strategies
Online resources and guides to help parents assist with student learning
The district will implement a standards-based curriculum aligned with Pennsylvania state requirements
Title I students will receive personalized instructi
on based on academic need
Parents will be regularly informed about their child’s progress through:
Progress reports
Standardized assessment results
es to meet with teachers and review student work
Educating School Staff on Parent Engagement
To strengthen partnerships between home and school, the district will:
Provide training for teachers, principals, and staff on effective family engagement strategies
Offer professional development on culturally responsive communication
Encourage collaboration between parents and school personnel to support student success
Community Partnerships
The district will develop and maintain partnerships with:
Local businesses and community organizations
Preschool programs, including Head Start and Pre-K Counts
Public libraries, family resource centers, and social services
At least once per year, the district will meet with local early childhood education providers to ensure smooth transitions from preschool to kindergarten.
Ongoing Evaluation and Improvement
The district will review the effectiveness of this policy annually based on:
Parent survey results
Meeting attendance and feedback
Student performance data
Recommendations for improvement will be incorporated into the Title I program and school-wide plans
Adoption and Review Dates
This Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy was developed in collaboration with parents, teachers, stakeholders and administrators. It will be reviewed and updated annually.
Reviewed 8/1/2018, 3/19/2019, 4/15/2019, 4/16/2019, 6/6/2019, 7/10/2019, 5/21/2020, 8/3/2020, 10/12/2020, 10/10/2023, 5/17/2023, 8/24/2024, 10/11/2024
Title I Complaint Procedures
1) Referral – Complaints against schools should be referred to the District’s Federal Programs Office:
Rob Hurley, Assistant to the Superintendent
501 Chestnut Street
Birdsboro, PA 19508
2) Notice to School – The Federal Programs Office will notify the school Superintendent and Principal that a complaint has been received. A copy of the complaint will be given to the Superintendent and Principal with directions given for the Principal to respond.
3) Investigation – After receiving the Principal’s response, the Federal Programs Office, along with the Superintendent, will determine whether further investigation is necessary. If necessary, the Federal Programs Director and the Superintendent may do an onsite investigation at the school.
4) Opportunity to Present Evidence – The Federal Programs Director may provide for the complainant and the Principal to present evidence.
5) Report and Recommended Resolution – Once the Federal Programs Director has completed the investigation and the taking of evidence, a report will be prepared with a recommendation for resolving the complaint. The report will give the name of the party bringing the complaint, the nature of the complaint, a summary of the investigation, the recommended resolution and the reasons for the recommendation. Copies of the report will be issued to all parties involved. The recommended resolution will become effective upon the issuance of the report.
6) Follow up – The Federal Programs Director and the Superintendent will ensure that the resolution of the complaint is implemented.
7) Time Limit – The period between the Federal Programs Director receiving the complaint and resolution of the complaint shall not exceed sixty (60) calendar days.
8) Right to Appeal – Either party may appeal the final resolution to the Department of Education. Appeals should be addressed as follows:
Susan McCrone
Division of Federal Programs
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 7th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126‐0333
Title I Transition Plans
Primary Center Transition Activities (K-1):
Kindergarten Screening/Assessment and Parent Presentation: Screen incoming kindergarten students and present to parents.
Meeting with Head Start: Ensure smooth kindergarten transitions between programs through communication.
Early Intervention Meetings with BCIU: Organize early intervention services meetings to ensure appropriate services are in place to meet student needs
Summer Tours: Familiarize new students and families with the school.
Bridge Day for 1st to 2nd Grade: Assist first graders' transition to second grade with a tour and meetings with staff at the Intermediate Center.
Kindergarten Bus Ride: Acquaint incoming kindergarten students with bus transportation to ease anxiety of both parents and students. .
Kindergarten Meet the Teacher: Allow kindergarten students and their parents to meet their teachers before school starts.
"Moving Up" Day for Kindergarten to First Grade: Enable kindergarten students to visit first-grade classrooms and teachers.
Visit to Good Shepherd Child Care/Parent Night: Visit pre-school centers and hold parent night for incoming students.
Intermediate Center (2-4):
Case Manager Introductions: Introduce students to next year's case manager.
Bridge Day Activities:
4th Graders Tour Middle School: Provide middle school tours.
1st Graders Tour Intermediate Center: Conduct tours for first graders.
Building Tours with High-Interest Area Signage: Highlight areas of interest during tours.
Student Panel: Have current second graders answer questions.
Meet-and-Greet with Student Services Group: Facilitate meetings with support
Scheduled Summer Tours for Incoming Students: Plan summer tours for students and
Welcome Communication: Send welcome messages to incoming families.
Middle School Transition Activities (5-8):
4th Grade Auditorium Meeting: Meet with the counselor and tour the building.
8th-Grade Scheduling Meeting: Schedule mid-January meetings for course selection.
One-on-One Course Selection: Conduct individual course selection with high school counselors.
May Bridge Day: Include meetings and tours with various school staff.Middle School to High School
High School & Post Secondary Transition Activities (9-12):
August Orientation: Review schedules, issue devices, and organize tours and scavenger hunts.
9th Grade Opening Blazer Day: Conduct SEL activities, brief safety procedures, take school pictures, and hold lunches.
Freshman Leadership Network: Facilitate career exploration and SEL activities.
Naviance Career Exploration Modules: Use Naviance for career exploration in preparation of post high school
Transition Coordinator Position:to assist with students for post high school preparation
Career and Innovation Coordinator
sets up Job Shadows
runs our student Internship Program
runs School-to-Work Initiatives