DBAIC: 2023 - 2024 Opening Day

DBAMS: 2023 - 2024 Opening Day

DBAHS: 2023 - 2024 Opening Day

DBASD Weekend Events: August 25th - August 27th

DBASD: 2023 Staff Welcome Back
Here's an afternoon snack for you! Thank you to R. J. Sweet Zee's for providing our staff with ice cream!

DBAPC: Meet The Teacher & Bus Ride, Part 2
Check out some more of the pictures from today. Looking forward to Monday!

DBAPC: Meet The Teacher & Bus Ride, Part 2
Check out some more of the pictures from today. Looking forward to Monday!

DBAPC: Meet The Teacher & Bus Ride
Today our youngest Blazers got the opportunity to meet their new teachers and take a ride on a school bus. Looking forward to the first day of school!

DBASD: 2023 Staff Welcome Back
Today we welcome the staff with the Perk Up Truck, Professional Development, and smiles! We are ready for our students to return on Monday!

DBASD: 2023 Staff Welcome Back
To start the day, our staff was welcomed by our DBAHS Band and Cheerleaders, as well as breakfast by our food services department. The Nutrition Group (TNG) provided our staff with a full meal and beverages to start the day!

DBASD: 2023 Staff Welcome Back
To start the day, our staff was welcomed by our DBAHS Band and Cheerleaders, as well as breakfast by our food services department. The Nutrition Group (TNG) provided our staff with a full meal and beverages to start the day!

DBASD: 2023 Staff Welcome Back
To start the day, our staff was welcomed by our DBAHS Band and Cheerleaders, as well as breakfast by our food services department. The Nutrition Group (TNG) provided our staff with a full meal and beverages to start the day!

DBASD Transportation Update: FAQ's
We've noticed a series of common inquiries regarding our new Stopfinder app. Please reference your email to view these FAQ's.

DBAMS Student Recognition: Kaleb Brown
Congratulations to DBAMS student, Kaleb Brown! Kaleb was the winner of the Anti Vandalism Campaign. He completed a very nice drawing and wrote an inspiring essay to win the campaign.
Here is a quote from Kaleb... "I think that graffiti and vandalism effects our community by making it look unpleasant and unwelcoming. If a town inspector (not a real thing, this is just an example) came by we would want to show them the best of Birdsboro, and this is not it. In conclusion, we should all work together eliminate graffiti and vandalism because it make our town look sloppy, unwelcoming, and unpleasant, which is not what Birdsboro is about.”

DBAMS Student Recognition: Kaleb Brown
Congratulations to DBAMS student, Kaleb Brown! Kaleb was the winner of the Anti Vandalism Campaign. He completed a very nice drawing and wrote an inspiring essay to win the campaign.

DBASD Athletics: Attendance Policy For Home Athletic Events
All Daniel Boone Area School District students are admitted free to home athletics events. Primary Center, Intermediate Center, and Middle School students MUST be accompanied by an adult. High School students MUST show ID.
No bags, backpacks, coolers, outside food and drink, or sports equipment is permitted. PIAA rules prohibit signs, flags, and noisemakers of any kind.
Thank you in advance for supporting our athletes during this upcoming Fall season.

Blazer Learning Community Families,
All transportation information will be sent out today, August 18, 2023, @ 5:00 PM. Please use the attached pictures as a reference guide for the Stopfinder app.

DBASD 2023 New Teacher Induction
Welcome to our new professional teachers and staff! This week they completed the new teacher induction and are now ready to lead our young blazers.

DBAHS Student Recognition: Colin Reed
Rising senior, Colin Reed, left for Basic Training for the US National Guard and has been training all summer to become a US Army Soldier. On Monday, August 7th, @ approximately 6:00 AM, he and his battalion set out to begin The Forge (a 72 outdoor test of skill and spirit). Colin, alongside approximately many other soldiers in training, marched back to base at 6:00 AM where they were inducted and officially given the title US ARMY SOLDIER. Colin will graduate from Basic Training on August 24th and return home to complete his senior year here at DBAHS. He will continue his military career during the school year serving one weekend a month and finishing Job training once he graduates.
Congratulations Colin and thank you for your service!

DBAHS Student Recognition: FBLA Nationals
Congratulations to the following students, William Bulafka, Dean Marlowe, and Brandon Serianni. These students recently competed at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) National Competition in Atlanta, Georgia. They competed as members of the FBLA by preparing and presenting a financial plan.
Big thank you to all who supported their efforts and helped make this opportunity possible!!