DBASD: Youth Swimming Opportunity We are happy to announce our partnership with the Muhlenberg Swimming Program. For those young blazers that have an interest in swimming, please check out the attached flyer. #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
Youth Swimmimg
Such an honor to meet the Pauley Family today! These two amazing students raised money for families attending the Primary or Intermediate Center that may need a little help! I couldn't be more proud of this amazing community! #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Thomas Voelker
Pauley Lemonade Stand
Voelker & Pauley Family
DBASD Transportation Department: Stopfinder Update Please use the below link to view an update from our Transportation Department. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hz8VUo3ygd7NjZOEYY8TKUms9rGmueUC/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113779158262448187776&rtpof=true&sd=true #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
DBASD 2023 Homecoming: Save The Date Please use the below link to view our 2023 Homecoming Schedule. More information will come as we get closer to the date! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bbav1z_w6oTUAP7Jg_8fptBRu-5wdRPu/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113779158262448187776&rtpof=true&sd=true #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
2023 Homecoming Save The Date
DBASD Athletic Department: 2023 Fall Sports Coaching Openings The following positions are still open for this upcoming fall season. Please consider as these positions! Middle School Cross Country Middle School Field Hockey Middle School JV Boys Soccer #DBBlazers ​
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
DBAHS & DBAMS Student Recognition: TSA Nationals Earlier this summer six students from the Daniel Boone Area High School and Middle School represented the district and the State of Pennsylvania at the Technology Student Association (TSA) National Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. The students competed with some 7,000 other students at the conference. The High School Team was made up of Alexia Cappelletti, Victoria Ortiz, and Mia Smith. The Middle School Team was made up of Kaitlin McCouch, Alex Whelan, and Minty Tabler. Special thanks to Audrey McCouch, TJ Cappelletti, and Val Cappelletti who served as advisors at the conference. The High School team placed 8th in Architectural Design and 9th in Fashion Design and Technology. Congratulations to all of the students and staff involved. #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
Special Olympics
DBASD Athletic Department: Girls Soccer If anyone is interested in playing Girls Soccer this year, there are open roster spots available. The team is looking to add 3-5 more girls to the roster. No experience is necessary. Come join a team that is looking to make another run in County and District Playoffs. Practices start on Monday, August 14 at 6:00 PM. Please contact Coach Mark Reightneour (mark.reightneour@dboone.org) for more information." #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
DBAHS Internship Program: August 2023 DBAHS Intern: Maya Davis Internship: Cloud 9 Cafe and Catering Special thank you to Stefanie Karli & Steve Heebner for being such positive mentors to Maya this summer and for growing her passion to be a future entrepreneur. https://www.cloud9cafeberks.com/ https://www.facebook.com/cloud9cafeberks/ #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
Maya Davis
DBASD Safety & Security: Armed & Unarmed School Security Officers We are looking to hire School Security Officers for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Please visit the attached pictures for more information. #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Armed SSO
Unarmed SSO
DBAHS Student Recognition: Maya Davis Rising DBAHS Sophomore, Maya Davis is participating in the Emerging Entrepreneurs Academy. This 6-week summer program is designed for students who have an interest in someday owning a business. Maya is learning from local entrepreneurs as they share their knowledge about business plans, marketing strategies, networking, sales and other topics geared toward starting and running a business. Keep up the good work, Maya! https://www.eeainpa.org/ #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Maya Davis
Each school year, as part of the District’s Back to School process, parents and guardians of returning students are required to review, confirm, and/or update their household and student demographic and health information online via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This process can be completed now to avoid the hectic time at the start of the school year. You do not have to complete the verification in one sitting. To submit your information, please do the following from a desktop or laptop computer: 1. Sign into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (https://dboonepa.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/daniel_boone.jsp) 2. Choose the More option from the navigation menu on the left. 3. Click on the Online Registration option. 4. Click the button to start an existing registration. For further instructions, please see https://sites.google.com/dboone.org/techhelpcenter/infinite-campus/back-to-school-verification The Back to School process must be completed by Friday, September 8. If you have any difficulty completing the process, please submit a help ticket at https://bit.ly/dbtechforparents. Please continue to enjoy your summer. We look forward to seeing you on August 28!
over 1 year ago, Daniel Boone Area School District
DBAHS Student Recognition: Chase Yenser Congratulations to DBAHS golfer, Chase Yenser. Chase recently won the Berks County Junior Amateur Golf Tournament. Use the link below to review the Reading Eagle Article. Throughout the summer he's also won multiple other tournaments. His success has earned him state recognition. Reading Eagle Article https://www.readingeagle.com/2023/07/19/chase-yenser-wins-berks-county-golf-association-junior-amateur/ #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Chase Yenser
DBAHS Girls' Volleyball: Rising Stars Volleyball Camp Girls Volleyball held the Rising Stars Volleyball Camp 70 girls, grades 3 - 8 learning skills from introductory level to advanced techniques. Thank you to the staff and student's that made this event possible. #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Girls' Volleyball Camp
DBAHS Internship Program: July 2023 DBAHS Interns: Carrie Castrinoes & Bella Rostek Mentor: Annamarie Chestnut Internship: Annamarie's on Main Special thank you to manager Tanaisha Johnson. https://www.annamariesrestaurants.com/ https://www.facebook.com/annamariesbirdsboro/ #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Annamarie's on Main
DBAHS Intern: Logan Simplot Mentor: Joe Simplot Internship: Venezia Transport https://www.veneziainc.com/ #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Logan Simplot
Blazer Learning Community, Please read the press release below from BCTC. Our very own rising senior, Isaac Kremer is highlighted as he placed in 3rd place at the National Competition. #DBBlazers​ BCTC Press Release... Three BCTC students place 3rd at the SkillsUSA National Competition (Leesport, PA, July 10, 2023) Fifteen Berks Career and Technology Center (BCTC) students competed at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference against thousands of career and technical education students from the United States in Atlanta, Georgia from June 19-23, 2023. The students tested their skills as they worked against the clock and other competitors to prove their expertise in various industries including mechatronics, masonry, cosmetology, automotive service, cabinetmaking, and television (video) production. Industry partners run these events guided by the competencies that are demanded by their industry. Three students from BCTC were named the top three in the nation and awarded a bronze medal for their talents and knowledge of their skills. Rising senior Isaac Kremer, BCTC Mechatronics Engineering Technology/Daniel Boone Area School District and 2023 graduate Trevor Bilodeau, BCTC Mechatronics Engineering Technology/Wilson School District students came in 3rd in the nation for the Mechatronics competition. The Mechatronics team contest required competitors to have the ability to understand complex systems that integrate various elements in the mechanical, fluid power and controls domain, combined with the ability to work in a team environment with people from different areas of expertise. The competition consisted of three events designed to measure the skills required in the modern automated manufacturing environment. Competitors are required to assemble, adjust, and test an automated machine system, troubleshoot, and repair a faulty machine system and take a comprehensive written test. The competition elements have been designed to be as realistic as possible, closely resembling the tasks and activities of modern automation professionals. In addition, there was an individual oral interview. Samuel Berryman, BCTC Masonry/Brandywine Heights Area School District and 2023 graduate was awarded the bronze medal for his skills in Masonry. Masonry competitors constructed a composite brick and block project in a six-hour period that tested their ability to meet industry standards in quality. In addition to a written exam, students are judged on the most frequently used details in masonry construction. “BCTC is extremely proud of all the student competitors. The students had to come in first place at the SkillsUSA district and state contests before they were even allowed to compete at the national level,” stated Dr. Michael Stauffer, BCTC Executive Director. “To have three BCTC students as the nation’s top three in their respected field reflects the work and commitment our students and instructors have year-round.” BCTC provides high-quality technical education and career preparation to 16 public school districts, nonpublic schools, and adults. BCTC operates two campuses in Leesport and Oley and is governed by a Joint Operation Committee comprised of School Board Directors from each of the 16 sponsoring school districts. BCTC was founded in 1968 and is regarded as one of the premier career and technical education facilities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Isaac Kremer, 3rd Place
DBASD Athletics: Job Postings Bowling -- Head Coach Varsity Girls High School Cross Country -- Head Coach Boys and Girls Middle School Field Hockey -- Head Coach Middle School Football -- Assistant Coach High School Soccer -- Head 7th Grade Coach Boys Middle School Lacrosse -- Head Coach Girls High School Volleyball -- Head Coach Boys High School Wrestling -- Head Coach Junior High #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Girl's Wrestling Opportunities Check out this free opportunity for girl's interested in wrestling. #DBBlazers
over 1 year ago, Rob Flowers
Girl’s Wrestling Girl’s Wrestling
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Daniel Boone Area Schools! It's everything Daniel Boone Area Schools, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/432aUK0 Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3BOTKTY
almost 2 years ago, Daniel Boone Area Schools
flyer advertising the mobile app. Links to download it are in the post as well as the website footer